

“Genialidad y tenis”La Tempestad, Septiembre 2016

“Two Stories from the Starbucks in Las Lomas, Mexico City”—The Cossack Review, Winter-Spring 2014

“The Bedwetter II: Return of the Bedwetter"—Gigantic Sequins, Winter 2014

“Mirror: A Found Essay from the Twitterverse”—Passages North, Fall 2013

“How I Saved the Indians”Fourth Genre, Fall 2013

“Life, Love, Happiness: A Found Essay from the Twitterverse”Brevity, Summer 2013

“If I Were a Soccer Coach, This is the Kind of Soccer Coach I Would Be”—Puerto del Sol, Summer 2013

“I Want to Be Someone Better than Me”—Juked, Spring 2013

“Tales of Corruption”Lunch Ticket, Winter 2012

“What (500) Days of Summer Means to Me”—The Normal School, Fall 2012

“Flop!: Chaos, Tragedy and the (Un-American) Beauty of Soccer”The Rumpus, Summer 2012